The Tonka Report

Real News In A Changing World

New World Order Illuminati Conspiracy – Narration By Bill Cooper

with 3 comments

William Cooper: Plea To Humanity

Written by Steven John Hibbs

July 15, 2009 at 2:46 am

3 Responses

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  1. People are so quick to label something like this a “ridiculous conspiracy theory”. But what they fail to realize is they are under submission to the media because they are so quick to believe that what they see on movies and television is “just tv, just hollywood, and things like that cant happen in real life” And then they came out with “reality tv” and try to force us to believe that that bullshit is whats really goin on! Thats why its so easy for them to put these things right in front of your face and you dont realize how prophetic it really is. When you are truly awake to reality you will look at telivision and the world in a different light. You will realize what really IS fantasy and what is REALITY! When i began to open my eyes i saw signs all over the place! On tv,commercials, movies, in logos, on the news, EVERYWHERE! God is really trying to wake us up before its too late! God gives us knowlegde and wisdom we just hafta know how to use it! Dont be so quick to label EVERYTHING as a conspiracy! But when u see something fishy investigate, only include LETGITAMATE info in your research. DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE! But at the same time keep an ear and an eye out for signs! They really are out there.. If you have common sense you can put 2 and 2 together.. and when u really find out how everything falls together in this global scheme, i truly hope that you are sitting down because it will blow your mind! And let me give you a clue it didnt start with 9/11.. It goes waaaaaaay back, back before civilization began!


    July 15, 2009 at 3:43 am

  2. Hello Realist85,

    Thanks for your comment, but for some as of yet unknown reason WordPress will not approve your comment. I’ve tried everything I can possibly think of and I still can’t seem to get it to post. Please try again and I apologize for the glitch.

    By the way, I agree wholeheartedly with your comment and have copied and pasted it below… – Tonka

    Submitted on 2009/07/15 at 3:43am
    People are so quick to label something like this a “ridiculous conspiracy theory”. But what they fail to realize is they are under submission to the media because they are so quick to believe that what they see on movies and television is “just tv, just hollywood, and things like that cant happen in real life” And then they came out with “reality tv” and try to force us to believe that that bullshit is whats really goin on! Thats why its so easy for them to put these things right in front of your face and you dont realize how prophetic it really is. When you are truly awake to reality you will look at telivision and the world in a different light. You will realize what really IS fantasy and what is REALITY! When i began to open my eyes i saw signs all over the place! On tv,commercials, movies, in logos, on the news, EVERYWHERE! God is really trying to wake us up before its too late! God gives us knowlegde and wisdom we just hafta know how to use it! Dont be so quick to label EVERYTHING as a conspiracy! But when u see something fishy investigate, only include LETGITAMATE info in your research. DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE! But at the same time keep an ear and an eye out for signs! They really are out there.. If you have common sense you can put 2 and 2 together.. and when u really find out how everything falls together in this global scheme, i truly hope that you are sitting down because it will blow your mind! And let me give you a clue it didnt start with 9/11.. It goes waaaaaaay back, back before civilization began!

    Steven John Hibbs

    July 15, 2009 at 11:07 am

  3. I finally got it to post… lol… 🙂 – Tonka

    Steven John Hibbs

    July 15, 2009 at 4:00 pm

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