The Tonka Report

Real News In A Changing World

Archive for July 23rd, 2009

Investigative Reporter Madsen: “Swine Flu Virus Began Life In Lab”

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Madsen: ‘Swine flu virus began life in lab’

FEMA To Conduct Massive NLE 09 Martial Law Exercise Next Week

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Kurt Nimmo / Infowars – July 23, 2009

Earlier this week, the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Craig Fugate met with several state governors to discuss “emergency preparedness,” according to a press release posted on FEMA’s website. “FEMA is committed to protecting and assisting our states and citizens during disasters,” said Fugate. “By working together and strengthening relationships at the state level, we can continue to build the national emergency response team which includes FEMA, as well as state, local, tribal and federal partners, the private sector and faith-based organizations. The work we are putting in now to build this team will go a long way during the next disaster.”

On Sunday, Fugate addressed governors from around the country at the National Governors Association conference in Biloxi, Mississippi, where he “discussed how FEMA can best support the states and their citizens as we prepare for and respond to emergencies and disasters.”

FEMA does not specifically detail the “next disaster,” although Fugate had participated “in a video teleconference with governors and officials from over a dozen hurricane prone states on his first day as Administrator.”

Last October, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen learned from knowledgeable FEMA sources that the Bush administration had put the final touches on a plan that would see martial law declared in the United States with various scenarios anticipated as triggers. “The triggers include a continuing economic collapse with massive social unrest, bank closures resulting in violence against financial institutions, and another fraudulent presidential election that would result in rioting in major cities and campuses around the country,” explained Madsen.

An additional trigger has since emerged – a mass flu pandemic the government promises will occur this autumn.

Link to entire article below…

Written by Steven John Hibbs

July 23, 2009 at 11:08 pm

Pakistan Objects To U.S. Expansion In Afghan War – Save The Poppy!

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Eric Schmitt and Jane Perlez / The Herald Tribune – July 22, 2009

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan is objecting to expanded American combat operations in neighboring Afghanistan, creating new fissures in the alliance with Washington at a critical juncture when thousands of new American forces are arriving in the region.

Pakistani officials have told the Obama administration that the Marines fighting the Taliban in southern Afghanistan will force militants across the border into Pakistan, with the potential to further inflame the troubled province of Baluchistan, according to Pakistani intelligence officials.

Pakistan does not have enough troops to deploy to Baluchistan to take on the Taliban without denuding its border with its archenemy, India, the officials said. Dialogue with the Taliban, not more fighting, is in Pakistan’s national interest, they said.

The Pakistani account made clear that even as the United States recommits troops and other resources to take on a growing Taliban threat, Pakistani officials still consider India their top priority and the Taliban militants a problem that can be negotiated. In the long term, the Taliban in Afghanistan may even remain potential allies for Pakistan, as they were in the past, once the United States leaves.

Link to entire article below…

Written by Steven John Hibbs

July 23, 2009 at 3:23 pm

Senate Votes For “Temporary” Army Increase Of 30,000 – Draft Next?

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Jason Ditz / Anti War – July 22, 2009

In a 93-1 vote, the US Senate has agreed to authorize a “temporary” increase of the size of the army by up to 30,000 additional troops. The vote appears to be little more than a rubber stamp approving an announcement by Defense Secretary Robert Gates about his intention to increase the military by at least 22,000. The bill only authorizes the increased size for the next three years and would leave making it permanent to a future vote.

The lone dissenting vote came from Senator Russ Feingold (D – WI) who noted that the military’s strain was caused by a failure to withdraw from Iraq and suggested that instead of increasing the army’s size they would be further ahead to reduce strain by ending the war.

With the current Pentagon schedules, which reveal that they don’t anticipate any material withdrawal of troops from Iraq through at least the beginning of 2010, and the Obama Administration commiting more and more troops to Afghanistan, the Army simply could not keep up with the rotations at its current size.

However this bill makes no provision for funding the increase, but rather will leave the Obama Administration facing yet another “emergency funding” bill, like the one they fought through earlier this year. During the campaign President Obama condemned the Bush Administration for using emergency funding to pay for the wars, and promised after submitting the previous one that it would be their last.

Link ti original article below…

Written by Steven John Hibbs

July 23, 2009 at 2:57 pm

Obama Escalates Afghanistan Quagmire – Still Blinded, Obamanites?

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Patrick Krey / The New American – July 20, 2009

It could be argued that the single biggest contributor to President Barack Obama’s election victory was voter dissatisfaction with former President Bush’s neoconservative warmongering foreign policy (which was embraced by Republican presidential candidate John McCain). Ironically, since taking office, Obama has turned out to be eerily similar in the warmongering department.

One of Obama’s first foreign policy decisions as the commander-in-chief was to copy Bush’s Iraq troop “surge” with a surge of his own in Afghanistan. The U.S. troop presence has drastically increased from 32,000 at the start of 2009 to about 57,000 presently with an anticipated cap around the 68,000 mark (which would more than double the U.S. commitment to the region). Like the salesman on a late-night infomercial typically proclaims, “But wait — there’s more!” Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that the number of boots on the ground could climb even beyond the 68,000 number. In a question and answer session at Fort Drum, Gates said that what U.S. General Stanley McChrystal, who was recently appointed as the new commander of NATO, reports back to him could influence the decision to send even more troops to war. McChrystal is preparing a classified report for the Defense Secretary on Afghanistan according to CNN.

McChrystal is expected to complete a classified report for Gates by the end of this month, assessing where the war stands, and what needs to be done. He will tell Gates whether he needs more U.S. troops to fight the escalating conflict, according to a senior U.S. military official.… The review is also expected to recommend that the number of Afghan troops be increased beyond the goal of 134,000, other military sources said.

McChrystal is already seeking to increase troop levels there by pleading with the British to send more troops. McChrystal also stated that the conflict shows no sign of coming to a near halt. “It will go on until we achieve the progress we want to achieve…. It won’t be short.” The British casualties in Afghanistan recently just climbed above the number of those who died in the Iraq conflict. Things continue to deteriorate in the region where attacks are up 70 percent over last year. Unlike in America where the marital woes of the stars of Jon & Kate Plus Eight dominate the headlines, in the U.K., the rising death toll and grim analysis of prospects for success have generated controversy and debate over British participation in the war. Such a dialogue has alarmed the Obama administration, which fears the same might happen in the United States, according to the Financial Times.

Link to entire article below…

Written by Steven John Hibbs

July 23, 2009 at 2:40 pm

Brookings Institute Think Tank Report: Obama Will “Press The Reset Button” On North American Union Agenda – Renaming Of The SPP

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Steve Watson / Infowars July 23, 2009

A new report out of left leaning globalist think tank the Brookings Institute confirms an agenda to re-brand the long running effort to merge the US, Canada and Mexico into a Federal superstate akin to the European Union.

The report was highlighted by author Jerome Corsi, who points out that the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America has become much maligned owing to it’s quasi secretive advancement of a North American integration agenda.

“Two top Washington think-tanks have now formally suggested in writing that the Obama administration should rename the SPP as a public relations ploy to advance the North American integration agenda without drawing so much flak from those of us interested in preserving U.S. sovereignty,” Corsi writes in his Red Alert newsletter.

In the Brookings Institute report, titled “Toward a New Frontier: Improving the U.S.-Canadian Border”, Christopher Sands, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, where he specializes on North American economic integration, suggests the Obama administration should continue the agenda of the SPP, but under a new name.

Link to entire article below…

Global Warming Or Global Cooling? New Trend In Climate Alarmism

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Dr. David Evans / Global Research – July 23, 2009

Senator Steve Fielding recently asked the [Australian] Climate Change Minister Penny Wong why human emissions can be blamed for global warming, given that air temperatures peaked in 1998 and began a cooling trend in 2002, while carbon dioxide levels have risen five per cent since 1998. I was one of the four independent scientists Fielding chose to accompany him to visit the Minister.

The Minister’s advisor essentially told us that short term trends in air temperatures are irrelevant, and to instead focus on the rapidly rising ocean heat content:

Figure 1: Wong’s graph.

This is the new trend in climate alarmism. Previously the measure of global warming has always been air temperatures. But all the satellite data says air temperatures have been in a mild down trend starting 2002. The land thermometers preferred by the alarmists showed warming until 2006, but even they show a cooling trend developing since then.

(Land thermometers cannot be trusted because, even in the USA, 89 per cent of them fail siting guidelines that they be more than 30 meters from an artificial heating or radiating/reflecting heat source, and their data is forever being “corrected”.)

Ocean temperatures were not properly measured until mid-2003, when the Argo network became operational.

Before Argo, ocean temperatures were measured with bathythermographs (XBTs)—expendable probes fired into the water by a gun from ships along the main commercial shipping lanes. Geographical coverage of the world’s oceans was poor, XBTs do not go as deep as Argo, and their data is much less accurate.

The Argo network consists of over 3,000 small, drifting oceanic robot probes, floating around all of the world’s oceans. Argo floats duck dive down to 1,000 meters or more, record temperatures, then come up and radio back the results.

Figure 2: The Argo network has floats measuring temperature in all of the oceans.

Figure 3: An Argo float descends to cruising depth, drifts for a few days, ascends while recording temperatures, then transmits data to satellites.

The Argo data shows that the oceans have been in a slight cooling trend since at least late-2004, and possibly as far back as mid-2003 when the Argo network started:

Figure 4: Ocean heat content from mid 2003 to early 2008, as measured by the Argo network, for 0-700 metres. There is seasonal fluctuation because the oceans are mainly in the southern hemisphere, but the trend can be judged from the highs and lows. (This shows the recalibrated data, after the data from certain instruments with a cool bias were removed. Initial Argo results showing strong cooling.)

Josh Willis of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in charge of the Argo data, said in March 2008: “There has been a very slight cooling, but not anything really significant”.

The ocean data that the alarmists are relying on to establish their warming trends is all pre-Argo, from XBTs. Now that we are measuring ocean temperatures properly, the warming trend has disappeared. And by coincidence, it disappeared just when we started measuring it properly! Notice how the Minister’s graph above shows rising ocean heat content for 2004 through 2006, but the Argo data shows a cooling trend? There is a problem here.

Link to entire article below…

Written by Steven John Hibbs

July 23, 2009 at 1:18 pm

Congresswoman Kaptur Grills Paulson About Goldman Sachs Fraud

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Congresswoman Kaptur: The Greatest Hail Mary Pass Of ALL TIME!

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: The encouraging message here with these last two videos I posted of Congressman Paul and Congresswoman Kaptur, is that not only is the American population waking up to this fraud, but that a few brave elected officials are actually standing up for the Republic of America and the American people for a “change”…Tonka 

Written by Steven John Hibbs

July 23, 2009 at 12:34 am

Paul Blasts Bernanke: “Federal Reserve Delivered This Crisis To Us”

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Ron Paul Opening Statement: Fed Hearing 07/21/2009