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Archive for the ‘9/11’ Category

Japan Confirms Three Nuclear Reactors Melted Down After Quake!

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June 7, 2011: CNN Wire Staff Editors / CNN – June 6, 2011

Watch the video below, folks! – SJH

Tokyo (CNN) — Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant experienced full meltdowns at three reactors in the wake of an earthquake and tsunami in March, the country’s Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters said Monday.

The nuclear group’s new evaluation, released Monday, goes further than previous statements in describing the extent of the damage caused by an earthquake and tsunami on March 11.

The announcement will not change plans for how to stabilize the Fukushima Daiichi plant, the agency said. Reactors 1, 2 and 3 experienced a full meltdown, it said.

The plant’s owner, Tokyo Electric Power Co., admitted last month that nuclear fuel rods in reactors 2 and 3 probably melted during the first week of the nuclear crisis.

It had already said fuel rods at the heart of reactor No. 1 melted almost completely in the first 16 hours after the disaster struck. The remnants of that core are now sitting in the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel at the heart of the unit and that vessel is now believed to be leaking.

A “major part” of the fuel rods in reactor No. 2 may have melted and fallen to the bottom of the pressure vessel 101 hours after the earthquake and tsunami that crippled the plant, Tokyo Electric said May 24.

The same thing happened within the first 60 hours at reactor No. 3, the company said, in what it called its worst-case scenario analysis, saying the fuel would be sitting at the bottom of the pressure vessel in each reactor building.

But Tokyo Electric at the same time released a second possible scenario for reactors 2 and 3, one that estimated a full meltdown did not occur. In that scenario, the company estimated the fuel rods may have broken but may not have completely melted.

Temperature data showed the two reactors had cooled substantially in the more than two months since the incident, Tokyo Electric said in May.

The earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems at Fukushima Daiichi, causing the three operating reactors to overheat. That compounded a natural disaster by spewing radioactive material into the atmosphere.

Tokyo Electric avoided using the term “meltdown,” and says it was keeping the remnants of the core cool. But U.S. experts interviewed by CNN after the company’s announcement in May said that while it may have been containing the situation, the damage had already been done.

“On the basis of what they showed, if there’s not fuel left in the core, I don’t know what it is other than a complete meltdown,” said Gary Was, a University of Michigan nuclear engineering professor and CNN consultant. And given the damage reported at the other units, “It’s hard to imagine the scenarios can differ that much for those reactors.”

A massive hydrogen explosion — a symptom of the reactor’s overheating — blew the roof off the No. 1 unit the day after the earthquake, and another hydrogen blast ripped apart the No. 3 reactor building two days later. A suspected hydrogen detonation within the No. 2 reactor is believed to have damaged that unit on March 15.

Japan Confirms 3 Nuclear Reactors Melted Down

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: Once again, the alternative media forces the MSM to tell the truth! – SJH

Link to original article below…

Will There Be A New ‘False Flag’ Attack On Chicago’s Sears Tower?

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May 31, 2011: Saman Mohammadi / The Excavator via The Intel Hub – May 30, 2011

Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente warned in February that we should expect another false flag attack in America to boost the popularity of President Obama and escalate the wars in the Middle East.

“Look for a false flag,” said Celente, “look for something to rally the people around the president. They’ll do another one …. Remember the Maine. Remember the Gulf of Tonkin.”

Another false flag attack is a matter of when, not if. The U.S. shadow terrorist state is an unaccountable, secretive, resourceful, cunning, and powerful engine for destruction and deception.

We should not underestimate the evil men who have hijacked the national security policy and foreign policy of the United States of America.

I am not making any kind of prediction about the future. I am simply speculating what might happen in the coming months based on reliable information and evidence of past false flag attacks done by the U.S. shadow government.

The 9/11 attacks signified that we live in an age of state terror and mass deception. Nothing has changed in a decade. In fact, America is ripe for another 9/11. The official announcement of Osama Bin Laden’s death and increasing tensions between Pakistan and the U.S. are signs that the shadow myth makers in the national security crime syndicate are preparing the American public for an attack inside America to be blamed on Pakistan.

I’m not interested in scaring people. This article is not about unjustified doomsday fear. But I am also not afraid to speak my mind and tell you what I am afraid might happen.

Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy said that the role of the press in a free society was “to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold, educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.” I don’t think anyone has ever put it better.

I believe we should be on guard for another false flag terrorist attack committed by the men who operate and control the U.S. shadow state.

We must always remind ourselves of the fact that the people in power in the United States are power-hungry authoritarians who want to transform Western society into a post-humanist, collectivist, authoritarian paradise in which the people are dominated like sheep and the elite live like kings. Since war is the best way to transform a society these freaks are focused on starting world war three in the Middle East in order to justify total government control of all aspects of life and acquire complete control of Central Asia and the Middle East.

Does The Road To World War III Go Through Chicago?

The most likely place to be blown up by the shadow state terrorists is Chicago’s Willis Tower, formerly Sears Tower.

In 2004, the building was sold to a couple of investors from New York named Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre who are associated with Larry Silverstein’s investment group. Silverstein owned the lease on the World Trade Center complex, and made billions of dollars from the state managed destruction of World Trade 1, 2, and 7. He should be in prison for insurance fraud and covering up the 9/11 attacks. Actually, this snake should be hanged for treason!

It is not good news for the American people and the people of the Middle East that Silverstein’s investment group is connected to Chicago’s Willis Tower. Last year, Shepard Ambellas and Alex Thomas of the website ‘The Intel Hub’ wrote in an article called What Do The Sears Tower; WTC, and Terror Drills Have In Common?”:

Larry Silverstein, owner of Silverstein Properties, Inc. and the man who leased the World Trade Center Towers also happens to be the owner of the Sears Tower in Chicago. The complex was renamed the Willis Tower on July 16, 2009 and is insured by global insurance broker Willis Group Holdings. The insurer is very important in the grand scheme as can be seen with the WTC, whose insurance settlement amounted to a cool 4.68 billion dollars.

A company named Kroll is the company tasked with providing security for the Sears Tower. After 9/11, Kroll purchased Convair, the very company that was responsible for recovering data from WTC hard drives. Kroll also managed the bunker in the WTC and is known to have had a hand in the London 7/7 bombings.

Radio host Alex Jones, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, and others have also said that a future false flag attack may take place in Chicago. The current mayor of Chicago is the former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Back in 2008, Emanuel said:

You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. Things that we had postponed for too long, that were long-term, are now immediate and must be dealt with. This crisis provides the opportunity for us to do things that you could not do before.

Emanuel’s ideas about the government’s role in a crisis reveals an authoritarian mindset. Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine” is a good examination of how leaders use crises, whether real or manufactured, to advance unpopular agendas and policies that undermine democratic governance and civil liberties.

Government leaders that use shock techniques like false flag terrorist attacks to induce a population to change their behavior and beliefs are not interested in defending the people but taking control over society.

Preparing The Psychology of The People And The Bureaucracy

Since last year a number of emergency drills and exercises have taken place in and around the city of Chicago. To find out more about these drills and exercises, here are some articles you should read:

June 2010 – Emergency drills may close Chicago-area roads
June 2010 – Armageddon Simulated in Chicago
May 2011 – Third tallest building in Chicago enhances security, conducts fire evacuation drills

On June 10, 2011, Chicago’s Northwest Community Hospital and the U.S. Army Reserve will perform an emergency exercise called “Red Dragon” to prepare for any future event involving mass death.

The publicly stated purpose for the drills are reasonable and normal. All responsible governments should take precautions to prepare citizens for an emergency situation like a flu pandemic or environmental disaster. But the U.S. shadow government is not responsible or trustworthy.

The power-mad Emanuel is not a level-headed person that you want leading your city during a time of great sorrow and loss. Emanuel, like Rudy Giuliani, comes from the school of thought that says freedom is bad and authority is good. Tyrants love a crisis because in a state of crisis the people are confused, fearful, anxious, and willing to be led by a strong and powerful leader.

A national crisis makes the people rally around the leader and gives the government increased authority to control society.

In July of last year, a former Clinton official said that a new terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11 would boost President Obama’s popularity and give his administration greater credibility. The remarks were made in anticipation of the mid-term elections, but they are still applicable today.

The 2012 presidential election is around the corner and a new false flag attack in Obama’s former nesting grounds would clear the path for victory.

Pakistan: The Designated Culprit?

Relations between the United States and Pakistan are verging on the catastrophic. Pakistan has already been blamed by the Obama administration and U.S. media for not identifying Osama Bin Laden in their backyard.

Those of us who know that Osama Bin Laden died nine years ago and that the May 1st announcement of his death was a massive psyop understand that the purpose of staining Pakistan is to isolate it in order to seize its nuclear weaponry and expand America’s role in the region.

The Washington Post reported on May 20 that the rank and file of Pakistan’s military are mad at the United States for disrespecting Pakistan’s sovereignty:

Some of the outrage among the ranks stems from shame that the Pakistani military failed to locate bin Laden or detect the stealth U.S. raid on bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, according to officers and military analysts. But most of it is directed toward the United States, an ally that has given billions of dollars to help sustain Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts but is voicing rising concern that the country’s military is not dedicated to that fight.

Members of Pakistan’s army, which by some accounts is the world’s fifth-largest, have said little publicly about the U.S. operation. But interviews with officers suggest that there is a raucous and broad internal debate — one that is unlikely to undermine the institution, military analysts said, but that bodes poorly for U.S. hopes of an expanded Pakistani effort against Islamist militants.

To head off the discontent, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, Pakistan’s army chief, made town-hall-style appearances last week at five garrisons, where he faced barbed questions from officers about the U.S. raid, according to some who attended. After a 45-minute address to the 5th Corps in the southern port city of Karachi, Kayani took queries for three hours. Attendees said questioners focused on the perceived affront in Abbottabad — and why Pakistan, in the words of one officer, did not “retaliate.”

Another aspect that ties into a possible Chicago false flag/framing Pakistan storyline is the high-profile terrorism trial of Tahawwur Rana that began a week ago in Chicago.

Rana, Pakistani Canadian and a resident of Chicago, was charged along with former CIA agent David Coleman Headley in October 2009 for attempting to blow up the offices of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten that published cartoons of prophet Muhammad in September 2005. A star witness against Rana is David Coleman Headley himself, the rogue U.S. government agent who was involved in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks. ProPublica’s Sebastian Rotella reported on May 22, 2011:

Headley, a Pakistani-American businessman and former DEA informant, will be the star witness against Tahawwur Rana of Chicago, his boyhood friend and alleged accomplice in the 2008 terror attacks on Mumbai. Opening arguments set for Monday have drawn international attention because Headley’s testimony could reinforce allegations that Pakistan plays a double game in the fight against terrorism.

The prosecution will depend largely on how the jury views Headley, one of the most intriguing figures to surface in a U.S. terror case. The burly, smooth-talking 50-year-old has a penchant for grandiose dreams and a knack for juggling relationships with multiple wives, terrorist groups, and law-enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Headley, who is described as a “master manipulator” by Rana’s defense attorney Charles Swift, told the court that Pakistan’s ISI and Pakistani terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba were responsible for the Mumbai attacks in order to frame Pakistan and give a PR victory to the U.S. shadow government. Headley is clearly a shady character who should not be trusted.

“The testimony of David Coleman Headley,” writes NBC’s Michael Isikoff, “is likely to further inflame U.S.-Pakistani relations, which are already strained because of the U.S. killing of Osama Bin Laden.” To correct Isikoff, the U.S. didn’t kill Osama Bin Laden, he died on his own.

The story that Navy Seals Team Six killed Bin Laden is pure bullshit. Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a former national security expert and psychological warfare chief, told the Alex Jones show three weeks ago that Bin Laden died due to marfan syndrome in late 2001/early 2002.

The Next 9/11 And The Death of America

If there is another government false flag attack, say goodbye to America and say hello to the new world order. The world is about to change again. Wake up and smell the fire.

America’s heart is being pulled out and eaten alive in front of our eyes by the tyrants and traitors who are in control of America’s shadow terrorist state. They will not stop blowing buildings up until they have acquired total power.

We should not expect mercy or pity from these monsters. We should expect the worst because they are the worst kind of men: they seek to terrorize, steal, deceive, destroy, and control. Through enacting history they gain dominion over us.

As long as we believe what we are told by our governments we will remain child-like slaves. We must question the false narratives they tell us and write our own history. Then we can be creative agents of history as opposed to brainwashed agents of state power.

Next Possible False Flag Terrorist Attack: Willis (Sears) Tower – Chicago


The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: I have been saying for months now that Chicago will be next– SJH

Link to link to original article below…

Has The Stage Been Set For A Nuclear False Flag Event In America?

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May 30, 2011: Alex Thomas / The Intel Hub – May 29, 2011

I hope I’m wrong, but my bet is that Chicago, Illinois is the next target for a false flag attack in America! – SJH

The stage has been set for a nuclear false flag in America. Many in the alternative media have wondered if a false flag nuke attack within America is a real possibility.

Would they do it? Who would it be? What cities would be targeted?

Recently, The New York Times reported that the United States is running out of a rare gas that is used to detect smuggled nuclear materials. The reason given is that one arm of the Energy Department is selling the gas much quicker than the other is able to accumulate it.

While this could possibly be a legitimate reason, it seems highly suspicious that a government that is installing a police state nationwide to supposedly save us from terrorists would be unable to obtain the gas needed to detect smuggled nuclear weapons. Wouldn’t a nuclear attack on America be the MOST important threat to combat?

Unfortunately there is a long history of suspicious nuclear activity in the United States, with cover story after cover story being spread throughout the corporate controlled media.

At this junction in history it seems prudent to lay out some of the more ludicrous stories that have been planted into the minds of the American people.

Laying The Groundwork

One of the more recent nuclear cover stories was released in late March. This story was just that, a complete and utter fabrication of what Al Qaeda can actually do.

25 letters that claim nuclear bombs are hidden throughout the United States were supposedly sent to multiple investigators and citizens in the Chicago area…

Letters Claim Al-CIAda Has Nuclear Bombs Hidden Across United States

“The idea that Al Qaeda could place over a hundred nuclear weapons into government buildings throughout the United States is 100% impossible. Cave dwelling ninjas do not have the ability to either steal or create nuclear weapons, fly them over to America, and somehow plant them in government buildings.”

Last year Obama labeled a nuclear attack on America as the biggest single threat facing our nation yet we are unable to obtain the gas used to detected them?

Calling terrorists with nuclear weapons “the single biggest threat to U.S. security,” Obama said that the “central focus for this summit is getting the international community on the path in which we are locking down that nuclear material in a very specific time frame with a specific work plan,” Politico reported in 2010.

In late July 2010, The National Research Council released a report titled, Nuclear Forensics: A Capability at Risk. The report outlined the fact that the United States is no longer able to track nukes threatening our shores!

Gordon Duff, writing for Veterans Today, speculated that this was a cover that could be used in the event of a false flag nuclear attack:

“A powerful group within the United States, one with influence over the press and the ability to derail an investigation as was done with 9/11, has been “tasked” with laying the groundwork for a terrorist attack on America, one using nuclear material.”

In the same article Gordon wrote about a somewhat unknown raid that took place in Indiana that he believes was related to smuggled nuclear weapons:

“Another piece of the puzzle involved a federal task force, Defense, Energy, FBI, descending on a warehouse in Greenfield, Indiana under the guise of a “records search.”  This “Waco style” assault on a facility storing furniture for college dorm rooms was much more than it seemed.  No case, criminal or civil, provided any underlying reason for the search.”

In 2002, World Net Daily reported on a book by an FBI consult that claimed that Osama Bin Laden had bought 20 suitcase nukes from KGB agents in 1998!

A new book by an FBI consultant on international terrorism says Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida terrorist network purchased 20 suitcase nuclear weapons from former KGB agents in 1998 for $30 million.

The book,“Al Qaeda: Brotherhood of Terror,” by Paul L. Williams, also says this deal was one of at least three in the last decade in which al-Qaida purchased small nuclear weapons or weapons-grade nuclear uranium.

Obviously this book was one of the first attempts to implant the possibility of Al Qaeda nuking the U.S. into the minds of the American people.

And then there is the now infamous 2007 Minot Air Force Base fiasco which involved nuclear weapons that were apparently missing for up to 36 hours.

“According to a wide range of reports, several nuclear bombs were “lost” for 36 hours after taking off August 29/30, 2007 on a “cross-country journey” across the U.S., from U.S. A.F. Base Minot in North Dakota to U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale in Louisiana.

Reportedly, in total there were six W80-1 nuclear warheads armed on AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) that were “lost.” The story was first reported by the Military Times, after military servicemen leaked the story,” reported Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya.


Hundreds of large scale simulated nuclear drills have taken place in America and abroad during the last ten years.

One of the more ominous drills, TopOff 4, took place in Portland Oregon. The exercise simulated a large scale dirty bomb attack in the heart of downtown Portland. The Oregon fact sheet on the exercise read like a Hollywood movie.

Remember we have lost most of our freedom due to the threat of terrorism yet we are supposed to believe that cave dwelling terrorists can outmaneuver multiple western intelligence agencies.

The T4 full-scale exercise is based on National Planning Scenario 11 (NPS-11). Terrorists have planned attacks in Oregon, Arizona, and the U.S. Territory of Guam. They have brought radioactive material into the United States.

The first of three coordinated attacks occurs in Guam, with the detonation of a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD), or “dirty bomb,” causing casualties and widespread contamination in a populous area. Within hours, similar attacks occur in Portland and Phoenix.

Interestingly enough, the drill took place at the same time as Vigilant Shield, a massive operation which simulated detonation of three radiological dispersal devices within the USNORTHCOM and U.S. Pacific Command areas of responsibility.

A quick search of the internet will reveal hundreds of similar drills in numerous different cities all with the same mind set. A mind set that is based off the false premise that terrorists can obtain nuclear material without the help of major governments.

Predictive Programming

The corporate controlled media and Hollywood have played a huge part in implementing a possible terrorist nuclear attack into the minds of people worldwide. This idea is not only an American fear mongering operation.

Operation Blackjack, a set of slide show comics that depicted nuclear bombs detonating in major cities throughout the world, was mysteriously released in 2009 by The London Telegraph.

The slide shows had numerous embed codes and symbolism that to some indicated it was a very real operation that would happen on June 22nd 2009 or 2010.

Obviously those dates have come and gone but the IDEA that this could happen was cemented into the minds of the hundreds of thousands who read the comic like slide shows.

Interestingly enough, Jericho, a popular TV show in America, depicted a very similar scenario as Operation Blackjack…

Jericho: Season 1 Trailer

The nuclear attacks in Jericho were actually carried out by rogue elements of our government who immediately instituted a North American Union, martial law, FEMA Camps, and private military death squads.

Doctor Who, a popular family show in Britain ran an episode that is a clear cut case of predictive programming. Nuclear attack, martial law, and labor camps…

Predictive Programming In The Doctor Who Episode “Turn Left”


While the sheer amount of predictive programming in regards to nuclear attacks makes it impossible to list them all, these three paint a clear picture of the mind control that we the people have experienced.

Questions Remain

It is clear that the groundwork and cover for a nuclear false flag in a major American or European city has been slowly put into place.

Many questions remain. Will the numerous hardworking, patriotic Americans in the government and military stop such a horrific act from happening?

Will the powers that be realize that the blame for such an attack would be pointed directly at them? Will a different, more feasible, false flag be used instead?

These are questions that must be answered. We the people must let it be known that we will no longer stand for any form of false flag terrorism.

Take note America, as we continue to lose our freedoms in the name of security, we have become more vulnerable then ever to a large scale false flag on par or more extreme than 9/11.

The Stage Is Set For A Nuclear False Flag


The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: With Rahm Emanuel in place as Chicago mayor, much like Giuliani was in New York during 9/11, look for Chicago to be the next false flag target in America– SJH 

Link to original article below…

Final Nail: Obama Promise To Veto “Worldwide War” Bill Is A Ruse!

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May 27, 2011: Paul Joseph Watson / Prison – May 27, 2011

Sacrifice your children to the king! – SJH

Given the fact that the Obama administration is now involved in more conflicts and has more troops deployed than at any time during the Bush administration, how confident should we be that a government promise to veto the alarming worldwide war provision contained in the National Defense Authorization Act will be kept.

Yesterday the House passed the act, “including a provision to authorize worldwide war, which has no expiration date and will allow this president — and any future president — to go to war anywhere in the world, at any time, without further congressional authorization.

The new authorization wouldn’t even require the president to show any threat to the national security of the United States. The American military could become the world’s cop, and could be sent into harm’s way almost anywhere and everywhere around the globe.”

Earlier this week, the White House indicated that it would veto the worldwide war provision, not because it is a flagrant violation of the War Powers Resolution and the basic tenet of not investing dictator powers in a president, but because it could cause “confusion”.

“The Administration strongly objects to section 1034 [the worldwide war provision] which, in purporting to affirm the conflict, would effectively recharacterize its scope and would risk creating confusion regarding applicable standards. At a minimum, this is an issue that merits more extensive consideration before possible inclusion…” the White House wrote to Congress.

The administration’s problem with the provision has nothing to do with the fact that it would make Obama above the law and completely unconstrained by Congress, their only concern is that it would hinder alleged terrorists from being tried in federal courts.

“Section 1039 is a dangerous and unprecedented challenge to critical Executive branch authority to determine when and where to prosecute detainees,” wrote the White House, indicating that a compromise could be made that would ensure the bill’s passage.

According to the ACLU, “President Obama and his administration have to be commended for taking such a tough stance on issues of fundamental importance to the rule of law and our democracy.”

Well, there’s a first time for everything, but the ACLU has completely dropped the ball on this one. The Obama administration is opposed to the worldwide war provision not because it is an egregious expansion of the executive branch, but because it doesn’t give them enough power.

Once the administration is given the choice to try suspected terrorists in federal courts or merely assassinate them at will as we were told happened in the case of the Bin Laden raid, the bill will be passed and the ugliest aspects of the worldwide war provision will remain.

Indeed, one could argue that the Obama administration has already bestowed upon itself the powers enshrined in the worldwide war provision with its constant drone attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and other areas in the region, assaults ten times the amount of innocent people than they do so-called “militants”.

The ACLU’s praise for the Obama administration’s upholding of the “rule of law” didn’t seem to apply when Obama joined a NATO-led “no fly zone” over Libya, which quickly turned into a ceaseless bombardment and another undeclared war prosecuted with total disregard for Congressional oversight.

Indeed, when Senator Rand Paul blasted Obama for failing to get Congressional approval for the war on Libya following the expiration of the 60 days clause in the War Powers act, the president merely turned his nose up and claimed all the authority he needed came from the United Nations and international law.

However, when it came to invading Pakistani airspace to conduct the raid on Osama Bin Laden’s alleged compound, another foreign incursion of which Congress was kept in the dark, Obama showed little regard for the international laws he supposedly cherishes in refusing to even alert Pakistan to the fact that the operation was imminent.

The raid violated the same international laws that Obama claims give him the authority to attack Libya. You can’t have your cake and eat it. Attorney General Holder said the murder did not violate the Geneva Conventions because Bin Laden was an “enemy combatant” after he “admitted” to carrying out 9/11. And yet in Bin Laden’s only confirmed media interview following 9/11, he explicitly denied being behind the attack.

As Ron Paul warns in the video below, the worldwide war resolution is another one of the final nails in the coffin of the American republic. If this provision is allowed to pass, it will provide presidents with de facto immunity from war crimes and free them from the constraints of any national or international rules or laws on the conduct of war.

History is littered with examples of odious tyrants who shredded the rule of law to bestow upon themselves dictatorial powers that they claimed provided a justification for unprovoked foreign invasions and bloody global conquest. If this ‘worldwide war’ legislation passes the Senate, Obama can be added to that list.

Ron Paul: The Last Nail – Floor Speech May 25, 2011


The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: Where the hell is the anti-war movement in this pathetic country?! – SJH

Link to original article below…

Treason In The White House: Obama Signs PATRIOT Act Extension

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May 27, 2011: Kurt Nimmo / – May 27, 2011

Feel safer now that we’re essentially guilty until proven innocent? – SJH

On Thursday, Congress passed a four year extension of the PATRIOT Act.

Lawmakers rejected all attempts to moderate aspects of the legislation that weaken the Fourth Amendment.

Obama used an auto pen machine from France to sign the extension. Provisions of the PATRIOT Act were set to expire at midnight.

Congress would have signed the extension earlier if not for the efforts of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who opposes the extension on constitutional grounds, specifically its violations of the Fourth Amendment.

In addition, Paul proposed an amendment that would have placed restrictions on the government’s ability to obtain gun purchase records. It was defeated 85-10. His second amendment, limiting banks on their reporting of suspicious financial transactions, was rejected 91-4.

“We dissolve from within when we give up our liberties,” Paul warned. “Millions of innocent citizens are having their records looked at.”

“It’s an important tool for us to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat,” Obama said after a meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) agreed to strip the extension of any amendments.

“The Speaker supports this common-sense proposal because this law has been crucial to detecting and disrupting terrorist plots and protecting the American people,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said in a statement.

Sen. Rand Paul Speaks On PATRIOT Act

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: Everybody had better begin asking themselves how much more! – SJH

Link to original article below…

Propaganda Alert: Iran Accused Of 9/11 Role Despite No Evidence

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May 21, 2011: Benjamin Weiser & Scott Shane / The Sydney Morning Herald  – May 21, 2011

Read the last paragraph of this toilet paper propaganda! – SJH

NEW YORK: Two defectors from Iran’s intelligence service have testified that Iranian officials knew in advance about the attacks of September 11, 2001, says a US court filing that seeks damages for Iran’s ”direct support for, and sponsorship of, the most deadly act of terrorism in American history”. One of the defectors also claimed that Iran was involved in designing the attacks, the filing said.

The defectors’ identities and testimony were not revealed in the filing but were being submitted to a judge under seal, said lawyers who brought the original suit against Iran on behalf of families of dozens of September 11 victims.

The suit says Iran and Hezbollah, the Lebanese militant group with close ties to Tehran, helped al-Qaeda with planning the attacks and with the hijackers’ training and travel. After the attacks, the suit says, Iran and Hezbollah helped al-Qaeda operatives and their families to escape, in some cases providing them with a safe haven in Iran.

The question of an Iranian connection to the attacks was raised by the national September 11 commission and has long been debated. Al-Qaeda, which adheres to a radical Sunni theology, routinely denounces the Shiite branch of Islam that holds power in Iran, and the terrorist network’s branch in Iraq has often made Shiites targets of bombings. But intelligence officials have long believed there has been limited, wary co-operation between al-Qaeda and Iran against the US as a common enemy.

The lawsuit also names as defendants Iranian officials and ministries, as well as Hezbollah, al-Qaeda and the Taliban, among others. The families’ lawyers have asked for a default judgment against the defendants, which have not responded to the suit. Even if there were such a judgment, legal experts say it would not be easy to collect monetary damages.

In their court papers, the lawyers assert that Imad Mugniyah, as the military chief of Hezbollah, was a terrorist agent for Iran, and that he travelled to Saudi Arabia in 2000 to help with preparations for the September 11 attacks. Mugniyah, killed in 2008, had been accused by US officials of planning a series of terrorist attacks and kidnappings, including the bombings of the US embassy and marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983.

The September 11 commission report said there was ”strong evidence Iran facilitated the transit of al-Qaeda members into and out of Afghanistan before [the attacks], and that some of these were future [September 11] hijackers”.

But the commission said it had “found no evidence that Iran or Hezbollah was aware of the planning for what later became” the September 11 attacks and that the ”topic requires further investigation by the US government”. [emphasis mine]

The New American Century – 2009 – (Full Video)


The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: PNAC is following their script to a tee. Watch the documentary– SJH

Link to original article below…

Bin Laden’s ‘Million Page Cache’ To Legitimize Official 9/11 Fable

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May 14, 2011: Paul Joseph Watson / Prison – May 14, 2011 

Watch the propaganda below– SJH

The White House claims it has recovered one million pages of data from the Bin Laden compound.

This is already being used to legitimize the phony narrative of the war on terror and will most likely be cited as a casus belli with which to fortify the official story behind 9/11, while neutralizing a plethora of other inconvenient questions and cover-ups.

We’ve already seen the administration invoke this alleged data cache for the purposes of public relations ploys.

The claimed threat on Obama’s life has been hastily exploited as a means through which to insert the president directly into the narrative of the fairytale so he can continue to pose as a “tough guy” leader, which is precisely what Democratic strategists have yearned for over the years with their calls for Obama to seize upon a terror attack in the United States for political grist.

The Bin Laden fable has been used by the administration in precisely the way a terror attack would have been exploited, to keep Americans in a state of fear, to push for more constitutional erosions, and to allow Obama to grandstand as a strong man protector.

But don’t expect the revelations from this “1 million page cache” to stop at ludicrous claims of Al-Qaeda attacking 500mph trains that don’t exist, or the contents of Bin Laden’s porn collection.

Just like the mythical hijackers’ passports that floated out of exploding airliners and drifted calmly down to the street to be found by authorities in the days after 9/11, in addition to Mohammad Atta’s bag which just happened to contain incriminating flight manuals, a personal statement and a copy of the Qur’an, planted evidence is evidence of the fact that the Osama raid was a carefully crafted hoax.

This is what to expect next – the administration will announce that they have found intricate details of how Al-Qaeda carried out 9/11 on direct orders from Osama within the pages of the 1 million cache – even though the FBI has failed to present such evidence in the 10 years since the attack – and just by an amazing coincidence every single explanation given by “Osama” will match precisely with the government’s official story.

This will then be cited by establishment apologists in the mainstream media to debunk those irritating 9/11 truthers and prove that they have been wrong all along – the official story behind 9/11 is verified by Bin Laden himself! The debate is over.

Whether you believe the official narrative behind the Osama raid was genuine or not, the fact is that they’re going to use this million page cache to justify and validate everything under the sun. This will become the casus belli to achieve whatever the administration wants over the coming year, from launching new drone attacks, to demonizing Obama’s political opposition, to derailing Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign by claiming he is soft on terrorists.

Forget just taking responsibility for 9/11, why not have Bin Laden admit he blew up Building 7, launched the anthrax attack, hid WMD’s in Iraq and schemed with Saddam Hussein? This is going to be a useful tool in sweeping up a lot of inconvenient questions.

Of course, it will all be completely invented out of thin air. We’re dealing with a military industrial complex that has no hesitation in lying to launch a war that killed over a million people. Why should we trust anything they say?

Just sit back and watch because Obama and the rest of the Chicago mafia in the White House are going to have a lot of fun with this “1 million page cache” over the next few months.

US Learns More (Bullshit) About Bin Laden’s Plots [NBC: 5-13-2011]


The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: Listen at 2:20 of the video – You’re damn right, Brady… Prove that he’s dead! Meanwhile, Judicial Watch has filed the first lawsuit to release the photos– SJH

First Lawsuit Filed For Release Of Dead Bin Laden Photos

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‘GMA’: Representative Ron Paul Announces 2012 Presidential Run!

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May 13, 2011: Jay Root / Associated Press – May 13, 2011

It is time to grow up, America! – SJH

Texas Rep. Ron Paul announced Friday that he will run for the GOP nomination for president in 2012, the third attempt for the man known on Capitol Hill as “Dr. No” for his enthusiasm for bashing runaway spending and government overreach.

“Time has come around to the point where the people are agreeing with much of what I’ve been saying for 30 years. So, I think the time is right,” said the 75-year-old Paul, who first ran for president as a Libertarian in 1988.

Paul made his announcement in an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” from New Hampshire, where he planned his first event for his presidential campaign on Friday.

Three years ago, the former flight surgeon and outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve became an Internet sensation – and a prodigious fundraiser – when he made a spirited but doomed bid for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. First elected to Congress in 1976, he is known for holding unconventional views while keeping a smile on his face, espousing a sort of modern Republican populism.

The obstetrician has delivered more than 4,000 babies and is personally against abortion, but he doesn’t think the federal government should regulate it. That’s a function of state government, he says. He has also said he wants to abolish the Internal Revenue Service, favors returning the United States to the gold standard in monetary policy and wants the U.S out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Democrats have tried repeatedly to beat him in a congressional district that stretches from the outskirts of Corpus Christi to Galveston. But the independent swath of coastal Texas seems a good fit for the maverick doctor. He has 18 grandchildren, according to his website, and he and his wife of 54 years, Carol, are known widely in Paul’s district for the cookbooks they give away to supporters.

“The secret to his success is his authenticity,” said Democratic consultant Jeff Crosby, who grew up in Paul’s district. “He’s an authentic nut.” Crosby, who worked to defeat Paul in 2006 — unsuccessfully — described the difficulty he had trying to persuade voters to reject what he thought were the candidate’s radical views.

“Just the mere fact that he does what he says he’s going to do, regardless of how nutty or ineffective it may be, they like it,” Crosby said. “A lot of folks along the coast have never expected much from government, and they’re getting it.”

Paul, a native of Pittsburgh, is both a spiritual father and actual father in the tea party movement. His son, tea party darling Rand Paul, won a Senate seat in Kentucky last year and has become an ardent proponent of spending cuts and smaller government. As far back as 2007, long before people were evoking the fabled Boston Tea Party to symbolize their disgust with an overtaxing central government, Ron Paul was hosting a “Tea Party Fundraiser” aboard a shrimp boat near Galveston.

Organizer and Paul campaign volunteer Elizabeth Day remembers that supporters wore period dress and rolled fake barrels of tea into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico. “When people come to believe in Ron Paul, there is a passion that burns within us,” said Day, a 57-year-old oil company revenue analyst. “To me, Ron Paul is the tea party.”

The elder Paul has built coalitions that include senior citizen “granny warriors” and pot-smoking libertarians. During his 1988 presidential run, High Times magazine, which caters to marijuana users, published a cover story under the headline, “Ron Paul: Pro-Pot Presidential Candidate.” Paul has expressed the view that the states, not the federal government, should regulate vices like pornography and drugs.

What sets Paul apart most from his GOP brethren are his views that defense spending needs to shrink and that the U.S. should get out of its two wars. Paul says the conflicts are financially unsustainable — and another drag on a battered U.S. dollar that he believes is on the verge of collapse.

He also disputes a fundamental underpinning of the war in Iraq, namely that Islamic terrorists must be stopped overseas before they can attack the United States. “They came over here because we were over there,” Paul said in the run-up to the 2008 campaign. “We occupy their territory. It would be like if the Chinese had their navy in the Gulf of Mexico.”

Paul has routinely turned down pork-barrel spending for his own district, but he has earned praise at home for refusing to sign up for lucrative pension benefits to which he is entitled as a member of Congress. Paul took a break from the House after his failed 1988 presidential bid but was re-elected in 1996.

Though he has voiced support for term limits, Paul has been in Congress for almost 30 years. Thanks to a law first crafted for Texas-born President Lyndon Johnson, he was able to run for the House and the presidency at the same time in 2008. Supporters figure he’ll do the same in 2012.

Former Texas GOP gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina counts herself among the die-hard Ron Paul followers who won’t let age, unconventional views or the professed tea party proclivities of other candidates shake her away from the soft-spoken presidential contender. “All the Republicans say we need to reduce spending,” said Medina. “They talk about it, but they don’t actually deliver on those promises. He’s different.”

Ron Paul on ‘GMA’: A Candidate for President (May 13, 2011)

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: There is no other candidate worthy of the presidency in America! – SJH

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Americans Are Living In 1984 – No Future For People This Gullible

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May 10, 2011: Paul Craig Roberts / – May 10, 2011

We are at a crossroads in this country as to which direction we turn– SJH

The White House’s “death of bin Laden” story has come apart at the seams. Will it make any difference that before 48 hours had passed the story had changed so much that it no longer bore any resemblance to President Obama’s Sunday evening broadcast and has lost all credibility?

So far it has made no difference to the once-fabled news organization, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), which on March 9, eight days later, is still repeating the propaganda that the SEALs killed bin Laden in his Pakistani compound, where bin Laden lived next door to the Pakistani Military Academy surrounded by the Pakistani army.

Not even the president of Pakistan finds the story plausible. The BBC reports that the president is launching a full-scale investigation of how bin Laden managed to live for years in an army garrison town without being noticed.

For most Americans the story began and ended with four words: “we got bin Laden.” The celebrations, the sweet taste of revenge, of triumph and victory over “the most dangerous man on the planet” are akin to the thrill experienced by sports fans when their football team defeats the unspeakable rival or their baseball team wins the World Series.

No fan wants to hear the next day that it is not so, that it is all a mistake. If these Americans years from now come across a story that the killing of bin Laden was an orchestrated news event to boost other agendas, they will dismiss the report as the ravings of a pinko-liberal-commie.

Everyone knows we killed bin Laden. How could it be otherwise? We – the indispensable people, the virtuous nation, the world’s only superpower, the white hats – were destined to prevail. No other outcome was possible.

No one will notice that those who fabricated the story forgot to show the kidney dialysis machine that, somehow, kept bin Laden alive for a decade. No doctors were on the premises.

No one will remember that Fox News reported in December, 2001, that Osama bin Laden had passed away from his illnesses.,2933,41576,00.html

If bin Laden beat all odds and managed to live another decade to await, unarmed and undefended, the arrival of the Navy SEALs last week, how is it possible that the “terror mastermind,” who defeated not merely the CIA and FBI, but all 16 US intelligence agencies along with those of America’s European allies and Israel, the National Security Council, the Pentagon, NORAD, Air Traffic Control, airport security four times on the same morning, etc. etc., never enjoyed another success, not even a little, very minor one? What was the “terror mastermind” doing for a decade after 9/11?

The “death of bin Laden” serves too many agendas that cover the political spectrum for the obvious falsity of the story to be recognized by very many. Patriots are euphoric that America won over bin Laden. Progressives have seized on the story to excoriate the United States for extra-judicial murder that brutalizes us all. Some on the left-wing bought into the 9/11 story because of the emotional satisfaction they received from oppressed Arabs striking back at their imperialist oppressors.

These left-wingers are delighted that it took the incompetent Americans an entire decade to find bin Laden, who was hiding in plain view. The American incompetence in finding bin Laden simply, in their minds, proves the incompetence of the US government, which failed to protect Americans against the 9/11 attack.

Those who ordered, and those who wrote, totally incompetent legal memos that torture was permissible under US and international law, thereby setting up George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for the possibility of prosecution, are riding the euphoria of bin Laden’s death by declaring that it was torture that led the American assassins to bin Laden. All of a sudden, torture, which had fallen back into the disrepute in which it had been for centuries, is again in the clear. Anything that leads to the elimination of bin Laden is a valid instrument.

Those, who want to increase the pressure on Pakistan to shut people up about Americans murdering Pakistani citizens in Pakistan from the air and from troops on the ground, have gained a new club with which to beat the Pakistani government into submission: “you hid bin Laden from us.”

Those who want to continue to fatten the profits of the military/security complex and the powers of Homeland Security, such as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, use bin Laden’s second, or ninth, death as proof that America is being successful in its war on terror and that the war must continue on such a successful path until all enemies are slain.

Most ominous of all was the statement by the CIA director that bin Laden’s death would lead to new attacks on America and new 9/11s from al Qaeda seeking revenge. This warning, issued within a few hours of President Obama’s Sunday evening address, telegraphed the inevitable “al Qaeda” internet posting that America would suffer new 9/11s for killing their leader.

If the Taliban knew in December 2001 that bin Laden was dead, does anyone think that al Qaeda didn’t know it? Indeed, no member of the public has any way of knowing if al Qaeda is anything more than a bogeyman organization created by the CIA which issues “al Qaeda” announcements. The evidence that al Qaeda’s announcements are issued by the CIA is very strong. The various videos of bin Laden for the last nine years have been shown by experts to be fakes.

Why would bin Laden issue a fake video? Why did bin Laden cease issuing videos and only issue audios? A person running a world-wide terrorist organization should be able to produce videos. He would also be surrounded by better protectors than a couple of women. Where was al Qaeda, which according to former Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld, consists of “the most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth.” Had these most dangerous men alive abandoned their leader?

The CIA director’s warning of future terrorist attacks, followed by a suspect “al Qaeda” threat of the same, suggests that if the American public continues to lose its enthusiasm for the governments open-ended wars, which are conducted at the expense of the US budget deficit, the dollar’s exchange value, inflation, Social Security, Medicare, income support programs, jobs, recovery, and so forth, “al Qaeda” will again outwit all 16 US intelligence agencies, those of our allies, NORAD, airport security, Air Traffic Control, etc. etc., and inflict the world’s only superpower with another humiliating defeat that will invigorate American support for “the war on terror.”

I believe that “al Qaeda” could blow up the White House or Congress or both and that the majority of Americans would fall for the story, just as the Germans, a better educated and more intelligent population, fell for the Reichstag Fire – as did a number of historians.

The reason I say this is that Americans have succumbed to propaganda that has conditioned them to believe that they are under attack by practically omnipotent adversaries. Proof of this is broadcast every day. For example, on March 9, I heard over National Public Radio in Atlanta that Emory University, a private university of some distinction, treated its 3,500 graduating class to a commencement address by Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security.

This is the agency that has goons feeling the genitals of young children and adults and which has announced that it intends to expand this practice from air travelers to shopping malls, bus and train stations. That a serious university invited such a low-lifer, who clearly has no respect for American civil liberty and is devoid of any sort of sense of what is appropriate, to address a graduating class of southern elite is a clear indication that the Ministry of Truth has prevailed. Americans are living in George Orwell’s 1984.

For those who haven’t read Orwell’s classic prediction of our time, Big Brother, the government, could tell the “citizens” any lie and it was accepted unquestioningly. As a perceptive reader pointed out to me, we Americans, with our “free press,” are at this point today: “What is really alarming is the increasingly arrogant sloppiness of these lies, as though the government has become so profoundly confident of its ability to deceive people that they make virtually no effort to even appear credible.”

A people as gullible as Americans have no future.

1984 – (Trailer)

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: “We, the people” have the power to turn this around for freedom– SJH

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The Osama Deception: Exposing The Fairytale Of Osama Bin Dead

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May 9, 2011: Uploaded by  / YouTube – May 8, 2011

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: If the fucking sheep in this country would pull their collective heads out of their asses, I and others wouldn’t have to waste our time on a ten year old corpse! – SJH 

Archive For The “Osama Bin Laden” Category

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