The Tonka Report

Real News In A Changing World

Archive for January 2010

Obama Expands Federal Power Over The States With Executive Order

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Kurt Nimmo / Infowars – January 12, 2010

Contrary to his election campaign promises, Obama has issued dozens of signing statements.

Obama has issued another executive order, this time establishing a so-called “Council of Governors.”

The order, signed on January 11, further diminishes the sovereignty of the states and builds on a framework for possible martial law. The executive order was completely ignored by the corporate media.

“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1822 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-181), and in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments to protect our Nation and its people and property,” the order reads.

The Council shall meet at the call of the Secretary of Defense or the Co-Chairs of the Council to exchange views, information, or advice with the Secretary of Defense; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism; the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement; the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs; the Commander, United States Northern Command; the Chief, National Guard Bureau; the Commandant of the Coast Guard; and other appropriate officials of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, and appropriate officials of other executive departments or agencies as may be designated by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Homeland Security.

In other words, the Pentagon and Homeland Security will give hand-picked governors their marching orders under the guise of “synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States,” a direct violation of Posse Comitatus.

Read the entire executive order here (in PDF format).

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Severity Of H1N1 Outbreak Deliberately Exaggerated By “Big Pharma”

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Al Jazeera – English

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: Of course it was all a fraud as this website has exhaustively documented. Just like ClimateGate exposed the “man-made” global warming fraud and BanksterGate is currently exposing the bailout fraud, as was the “War on Terror” exposed years ago as a fraud. Again, all documented in painstaking detail on this website beforehand. It’s all a fraud to create the New World Order and these Satanic bastards are now getting their asses kicked at every turn due to people finally waking up! Continue informing people as we win battle after battle… – SJH  

BanksterGate – Business As Usual: Geithner’s Coverup Of AIG Bailout

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Kurt Nimmo / Infowars – January 11, 2010

The New York Federal Reserve, under the direction of current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, prohibited AIG from reporting that it was passing government bail-out funds directly to its buddies on Wall Street, most notably the criminal organization known as Goldman Sachs. More specifically, taxpayers were tapped (or their grand children were) to pay off bad gambling bets made by “counterparties” in the AIG derivatives casino. The mega-insurance corporation wanted banks to take 40 cents on the dollar against toxic CDOs (collateralized debt obligations). The banks turned to New York Fed mob boss Geithner who arranged an AIG sweetheart bailout with full knowledge the money would go to Goldman Sachs and the banksters to cover dollar-to-dollar protection of their gambling losses. Geithner did not report this to Securities and Exchange Commission on December 24. It was to be kept on the QT. In fact, before his confirmation hearings last year, Geithner was recused from matters dealing with specific companies and bailouts.

Last week details of this criminal conspiracy were fed into the corporate media spin machine. But instead of immediately arresting Geithner for grand larceny and having him do the perp walk in an orange jumpsuit like a common bank robber, it was suggested he merely be fired and another bankster crony fill his spot at the Treasury.

In fact, so-called lawmakers (who do not read bills before passing laws) support Geithner. On Sunday, Obama announced his unwavering faith in the former New York Fed boss, Bilderberg, CFR, and Trilateral member. “Secretary Geithner enjoys the strong support of the Senate Democratic caucus,” declared Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (who is under fire for calling Obama a “Negro,” a crime of more importance to the corporate media than a gaggle of banksters stealing trillions of dollars). Democratic leaders including Representative Barney Frank and House and Senate Democratic aides all support the second-story man Geithner and his bankster bosses.

FOX News

Of course they do. Because they are all part of the master plan to bankrupt the nation and fork over the remains to the banksters and transnational corporations. The United States must be destroyed if the global elite are to realize their long-held plan to establish world government. Throwing in debt future generations of Americans while stripping the economic infrastructure out from under them is a sure-fire way to ensure they will become peons and slaves on the globalist plantation. “In 30-40 short years, America has gone from the strongest and most stable nation in the world, to one of the weakest and unstable. Poor Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall and had a great fall, but few people will see the real truth that Humpty was actually pushed!” writes Patrick Wood.

Meanwhile, the plan is moving along splendidly for the banksters. In December, the labor force contracted by 661,000. “Realtytrac says defaults and repossessions have been running at over 300,000 a month since February. One million American families lost their homes in the fourth quarter. Moody’s expects another 2.4m homes to go this year. Taken together, this looks awfully like Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath,” writes Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.

It will be the Grapes of Wrath on steroids.

Republicans, naturally, are as supportive of this mass plundering as Democrats. “Conservatives agree that, as point person, you’ve failed. Liberals are growing in that consensus as well. Poll after poll shows the public has lost confidence in this president’s ability to handle the economy. For the sake of our jobs, will you step down from your post?” complained Republican Congressman Brady of Texas.

Actually, Geithner did not fail. He followed the script wonderfully. It’s just that word leaked out and now he may be obliged to fall on his sword and retire to the country club and spend his remaining days giving speeches at thousands of dollars a crack to his bankster buddies and their hired hands.

In a somewhat more perfect world, not only Geithner but the global elite behind him would be arrested and charged with perjury, theft, conspiracy to conceal a criminal act, and malfeasance.

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The Jewish (Zionist) Matrix Of Power In The United States Of America

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Dr. David Duke

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”Revelation 2:9 KJV

America Slides Deeper Into All Out Depression As Wall Street Revels

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Ambrose Evans-Pritchard / The Daily Telegraph – January 11, 2010

The labour force contracted by 661,000. This did not show up in the headline jobless rate because so many Americans dropped out of the system. The broad U6 category of unemployment rose to 17.3pc. That is the one that matters.

Wall Street rallied. Bulls hope that weak jobs data will postpone monetary tightening: a silver lining in every catastrophe, or perhaps a further exhibit of market infantilism.

The home foreclosure guillotine usually drops a year or so after people lose their job, and exhaust their savings. The local sheriff will escort them out of the door, often with some sympathy –– just like the police in 1932, mostly Irish Catholics who tithed 1pc of their pay for soup kitchens.

Realtytrac says defaults and repossessions have been running at over 300,000 a month since February. One million American families lost their homes in the fourth quarter. Moody’s expects another 2.4m homes to go this year. Taken together, this looks awfully like Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath.

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House Panel Wants Geithner To Testify About New York Fed And AIG!

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Brady Dennis / The Washington Post – January 10, 2010

The chairman of the House oversight committee turned the spotlight Friday once again on the government’s much-maligned bailout of American International Group, saying he would ask Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner to testify about whether company executives were told to withhold key details about how they were spending taxpayer money.

Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said he will hold a hearing later this month to examine the Federal Reserve Bank of New York‘s role in advising AIG to limit its disclosures about billions of dollars it paid to other firms during the height of the financial crisis. Geithner was head of the New York Fed at the time.

“More than one year after the first federal bailout of AIG, the American people continue to question where their tax dollars were really sent when the government rescued this company,” Towns said in a statement. “I continue to believe that a comprehensive review of the rise and fall of AIG and the involvement of counterparties can provide a useful vehicle to understanding how inadequate regulations, cheap money, risky business deals, and in some instances, corruption led to the current economic crisis.”

He called for the hearing after the release this week of e-mails showing that the New York Fed had asked AIG to refrain from disclosing details about payments it had made to trading partners in the wake of its $85 billion initial federal bailout in late 2008. AIG transferred more than $62 billion to a number of large domestic and foreign banks, including Goldman Sachs and Société Générale, paying those obligations at full value.

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Restoration Of Scientology Material By L. Ron Hubbard Now Complete

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Matt Sedensky / Associated Press – January 8, 2010

CLEARWATER, Fla. – More than 1,000 unreleased recordings of lectures by L. Ron Hubbard and reams of corresponding writings have been unveiled in the culmination of a 25-year project to locate, restore and transcribe lost pieces of the Scientology founder’s work.

Though sure to be derided by the church’s many critics, its followers say the materials amount to an opportunity to deepen understanding of the religion and to release the last known unpublished Hubbard works dealing with Scientology and Dianetics.

“It would be like discovering that Buddha, unbeknownst to anybody, had sat down and wrote down the entirety of his discoveries and it could be verified that he wrote it,” said Tommy Davis, the church’s top spokesman.

The new materials were announced in a New Year’s celebration at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles that was broadcast to churches around the world last week and include 1,020 lectures and hundreds of corresponding booklets from courses and other sessions with Scientology ministers from 1953 to 1961. They include discussions of how Hubbard arrived at the principles of Dianetics and his research on everything from decision-making to personal responsibility.

Scientology Is Black Magic

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: L. Ron Hubbard was a Satanist following Aleister Crowley’s lead straight into hell, as are their followers! SJH

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Grisly ‘Skull And Bones’ Relic Is Set To Be Auctioned Off By Christie’s

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Kurt Nimmo / Infowars – January 9, 2010

In February of 2009, descendants of the Native American, Geronimo, sued Skull and Bones for stealing the Apache leader’s remains. On the 100th anniversary of his death, Geronimo’s great-grandson Harlyn Geronimo filed a federal lawsuit against the notorious secret society. Geronimo said his family believes Skull and Bones members took some of the remains in 1918 from a burial plot in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and have displayed them in their New Haven clubhouse. It is said Prescott Bush, the grandfather of George W., personally led the raid on Geronimo’s grave.

Now the art and auction house Christie’s is selling more remains from Skull and Bones. “Grisly trophies from Yale University’s mysterious Skull and Bones society, whose members include former president George W. Bush, are to go on auction in New York this month,” reports Agence France-Presse. “The human skull and two large bones are estimated to sell for between 10,000 and 20,000 dollars on January 22 at Christie’s,” located on Rockefeller Plaza in New York.

“The symbolism of the skull and cross bones is synonymous with this group as its name is derived from the symbol itself,” explains a page on Christie’s website.

The Order of Skull and Bones is also known as “The Brotherhood of Death.” It became the American version of the Thule Society (Thule-Gesellschaft) in Germany. The Thule Society was instrumental in the foundation of the Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei (German Workers’ Party) which later became the NSDAP (Nazi Party). It had members from the top echelons of the party, including Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg. Thule members practiced Satanism and a form of “sexual magic” derived from a lodge of which Aleister Crowley was a member. Crowley was the foremost worshiper of Satan in the 20th Century.

60 Minutes in 2004 – Skull and Bones

Adolf Hitler was obsessed with the occult and the Thule Society. His SS was a military death cult that swore allegiance to him and emblazoned their uniforms with the  Totenkopf symbol (a “death’s head” symbol that California governor and son of a Nazi Arnold Schwarzenegger proudly wears).

Research published in the book Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society by Kris Millenarian reveals that Skull and Bones was intimately involved in financing Hitler.

Bonesman Averell Harriman worked with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen to fund and support Hitler. Thyssen wrote a book entitled  I Paid Hitler. Prescott Bush, the grandfather of president George W. Bush, was a business partner with Harriman and instrumental in the Nazi funding network.

According to research conducted by the late Antony Sutton, the Bonesman Harriman was also a prime supporter of the Soviets with finance and diplomatic assistance, at a time when such aid was against State Department regulations. The Order of Death had a key post in a Soviet bank, Ruskombank, Sutton reveals. During his time at the Hoover Institute Sutton wrote a major study entitled Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, detailing how the West played a major role in developing the Soviet Union from its very beginnings up until at least the 1970s.

Professor Sutton – Skull and Bones Secret Society: Part 1

It was revealed during the 2004 election that both George W. Bush and John Kerry are members of the Yale University Skull and Bones death cult. The late Tim Russert asked Bush and Kerry if they could talk about their membership in the Brotherhood of Death. Both responded by saying they would not talk about Skull and Bones because it is secret. Soon thereafter the story fell off the corporate media radar screen.

The Order of Skull and Bones was founded by William Huntington Russell in 1832 after he returned from studies in Germany. Russell was the heir to a vast opium empire. In 1856, with several other Bonesmen, he incorporated Skull and Bones as the Russell Trust, later the tax-exempt Russell Trust Association. (Throughout the 20th century, the Russell Trust Association listed the New York City headquarters of Brown Brothers Harriman as its address.)

Skull and Bones initiation rights include simulated murder, kissing of a skull, and chants about death and the devil. Bush and Kerry underwent the macabre Skull and Bones occult initiation process that also includes ritual chants about Satan and death. “There is a devil, a Don Quixote and a Pope who has one foot sheathed in a white monogrammed slipper resting on a stone skull. The initiates are led into the room one at a time. And once an initiate is inside, the Bonesmen shriek at him,” author Alexandra Robbins (Secrets of the Tomb) told Morley Safer.

Only members of the elite and their chosen minions are  allowed to the join the death cult. Former members include president William Howard Taft, Percy Rockefeller (director of Brown Brothers Harriman, Standard Oil, and Remington Arms), Averell Harriman (founding partner in Harriman Brothers & Company and former Secretary of Commerce), Henry Luce (co-founder of Time-Life Enterprises), president and former CIA director George H. W. Bush, and a handful of other Senators, media magnates, bankers, Supreme Court justices, and powerful and influential people. Austan Goolsbee, staff director to and chief economist of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, is a member.

“I think Skull and Bones has had slightly more success than the mafia in the sense that the leaders of the five families are all doing 100 years in jail, and the leaders of the Skull and Bones families are doing four and eight years in the White House,” Ron Rosenbaum, author and columnist for the New York Observer, told CBS News in 2003.

How this macabre relic of the global elite ended up at the world’s leading art business and auction house is not explained. Instead of considering the skull the sacred remains of some poor and nameless soul and treating it accordingly (it should be buried with the rest of the body), Christie’s casually describes it as a piece of “Important American Furniture.”

Not that we should be particularly surprised. In addition to a fascination with Satanism, the elite have long had a sickly obsession with “death art.” The Christie’s offering — a human skull turned into a grisly ballot box — is simply more evidence.

For the ruling elite of the sort invited to partake in the Order of Death, we are all little more than furniture.

Skull and Bones Exposed – Alex Jones: Part 1

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: Be sure to watch the subsequent parts to the appropriate videos posted above. Skull and Bones has long been exposed as an elite Satanic death cult… – SJH

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U.S. & NATO Expand Afghan War To Horn Of Africa And Indian Ocean

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Rick Rozoff / Global Research – January 8, 2010

In parallel with the escalation of the war in South Asia – counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan and drone missile attacks in Pakistan – the United States and its NATO allies have laid the groundwork for increased naval, air and ground operations in the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Aden.

During the past month the U.S. has carried out deadly military strikes in Yemen: Bombing raids in the north and cruise missile attacks in the south of the nation. Washington has been accused of killing scores of civilians in the attacks in both parts of the country, executed before the December 25 Northwest Airlines incident that has been used to justify the earlier U.S. actions ex post facto. And, ominously, that has been exploited to pound a steady drumbeat of demands for expanded and even more direct military intervention.

The Pentagon’s publicly disclosed military and security program for Yemen grew from $4.6 million in 2006 to $67 million last year. “That figure does not include covert, classified assistance that the United States has provided.” [1]

In addition, “Under a new classified cooperation agreement, the U.S. would be able to fly cruise missiles, fighter jets or unmanned armed drones against targets in the country, but would remain publicly silent on its role in the airstrikes.” [2]

On January 1 General David Petraeus, the chief of the Pentagon’s Central Command, in charge of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as operations in Yemen and Pakistan, was in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad and said of deepening military involvement in Yemen, “We have, it’s well known, about $70 million in security assistance last year. That will more than double this coming year.” [3]

The following day Petraeus was in the capital of Yemen where he met with the country’s president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, to discuss “continued U.S. support in rooting out the terrorist cells.” [4]
White House counterterrorism adviser (Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism) John Brennan briefed President Barack Obama on Petraeus’ visit to Washington’s new war theater and afterward stated “We have made Yemen a priority over the course of this year, and this is the latest in that effort.” [5]

The alleged terrorist cells in question are identified by U.S. and other Western governments as being affiliated with al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). However, on January 4 CNN reported that “A senior U.S. official cited a rebellion by Huti [Houthi] tribes in the north, and secessionist activity in the southern tribal areas” as of concern to Washington. [6]

The Houthis’ confessional background is Shi’a and not Sunni Islam and the opposition forces in the south are led by the Yemeni Socialist Party, so attempts to link either with al-Qaeda are inaccurate, self-serving and dishonest.

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: More and more it looks like we are sliding down the inevitable rabbit hole towards World War III. Continue reading for a truly comprehensive account of what is transpiring… – SJH

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Xe Services (Blackwater) Aims For A $1 Billion Afghani Contract Deal

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Associated Press – January 9, 2010

An Iraqi traffic policeman inspects a car destroyed by a Blackwater security detail in al-Nisoor Square in Baghdad, Iraq, on Sept. 25, 2007.

WASHINGTON – Blackwater Worldwide’s legal woes haven’t dimmed the company’s prospects in Afghanistan, where it’s a contender to be a key part of President Barack Obama’s strategy for stabilizing the country.

Now called Xe Services, the company is in the running for a Pentagon contract potentially worth $1 billion to train Afghanistan’s troubled national police force. Xe has been shifting to training, aviation and logistics work after its security guards were accused of killing unarmed Iraqi civilians more than two years ago.

Yet even with a new name and focus, the expanded role would seem an unlikely one for Xe because Democrats have held such a negative opinion of the company following the Iraqi deaths, which are still reverberating in Baghdad and Washington.

Xe eventually lost its license to operate as guardian of U.S. diplomats in Iraq and the State Department, with Clinton at the helm, elected not to rehire the company when the contract expired in 2009. Delays in getting a new company in place led to a temporary extension of the State contract.

A federal judge on New Year’s Eve dismissed criminal charges against five of the Blackwater guards, citing repeated missteps by federal prosecutors. The Iraqi government has vowed to pursue the case, a new strain on relations between the U.S. and Iraq.

Xe on Wednesday reached a settlement in a series of civil lawsuits in which dozens of Iraqis accused the company of cultivating a reckless culture that allowed innocent civilians to be killed. On Thursday, however, two former Blackwater contractors were arrested on murder charges in the shootings of two Afghans after a traffic accident last year.

The Tonka Report Editor’s Note: Considering the long history between the CIA and Blackwater (Xe Sevices), my money is on them securing the deal!SJH

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